Company Information and Contact Details

Business NameMiM Digital Marketing Solution Ltd.
Known as (Trading Brand Name)MiM SMS
Business TypePrivate Company
Company Registration NoC-175447
Mailing AddressMonir Uddin Complex, Upazila Road, Sakhipur, Tangail-1950, Bangladesh.
Dhaka Office Address8th Floor, KA-181/3, Baitul View Holding, Bottola, Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229
Primary Line of BusinessDigital Marketing and IT-enabled Service.
Phone No.+88 02-997755 743
Hotline No.01844-909020, 01844-909021, 01844-909022, 01844-909023, 01844-909030 and 01841-434323
Business Identification No. (BIN)004261341-0406
Taxpayer’s Identification No. (TIN)270654520931
Trade License No.8605/587
BTRC Certificate No.BTRC-A2P-22-094, Dated: 03 January 2022

Company Overview

Brief History:

MiM Digital Marketing Solution Ltd. was founded in 2014 in Tangail, Bangladesh. MiM Digital Marketing Solution Ltd. is a registered company in Bangladesh under the Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) and is also known as MiM SMS. We provide various IT-enabled and digital services like Corporate Bulk SMS, including Masking SMS, Non-masking SMS, Voice Messaging, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Telecommunication Services, etc.

Audience Overview:

As a listed Bulk SMS Aggregator of the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), MiMSMS has customers from worldwide, including Bangladesh, the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore, China, UAE, Italy, India, Malaysia, Qatar, and KSA.

Our Primary Audience are Various Government Departments, Banks, Insurance Companies, IT Firm, ISP, Cable TV, Garments, NGOs, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Clinics, Internet Service Providers etc